Product Details
KEYBOARD | 61 semi-weighted keys. 4 Velocity Curves. Programmable touch response. Aftertouch. Portamento. Joystick: Pitch. Modulation. Transposer: /- 24. Octave: /- 2. |
POLYPHONY | 128 note. Multitimbral 64 parts. |
DISPLAY | Lcd color Tft 7. Touch Screen capacitive 800×480 dots. Brightness control. |
SOUND & VOICES | 672 GM Sounds. 5 Sound Banks. 61 Drum Sets. 368 Preset Voices. 1500 User Voices. 2nd Voice. V-Tone. Advanced Voice Editing. Voice List: 80 Voices programmable and Style assignable. Filter and Resonance live controls. |
LIVE DRUM | Up to 100 Stereo Live Drums. Wav streaming with Time stretching and 3 Band stereo Equalizer. Full Arranger structure with ABCD, Fill, Break, Intro-End. |
LIVE GUITAR | 150 Audio Live Guitars (Folk, Acoustic, Electric, Nylon). Stereo and Mix Version. |
GROOVES | 530 Grooves with Latin Percussions, Brazilian, individual and full Drums loops. |
AUDIO DRUM (GRV) | 159 sliced audio Drum Ioops. Full Arranger structure with ABCD, Fill, Break, Intro-End. |
ARRANGER | 400 styles. 140 Live Styles with Live Drums, Live Guitars and Grooves. Compatibility with User Audio Drum @ from Audya series and SD Series (SD7, SD40, SD80). 4 Arranger ABCD. 4 Fill. 4 Break. 3 Intro. 3 Ending. Auto fill. Fill to Arrange. To End. Reintro. Kry Start. Key Stop. Restart. Pause. Count In. Midi Drum Mixer & Remap. Drum Boost. 4 Voice Variations. Voice to ABCD. Voice List assign to Style. 5 User Tabs. Pianist and Bassist mode. Manual Bass. Bass to Lowest. Bass to Root. |
STYLE EDIT | Full Pattern creation and Editing. Functions: Record, Copy, Clear, Quantize, Velocity, Octave. User Style section (unlimited disk locations). |
LIVE MODELING | Style Modeling Library with Live Drums, Grv (Audio Drum Loops), Live Guitars, Grooves, Bass, Piano, Guitar, Orchestral and Synth templates. |
LAUNCHPAD | Up to 2048 Launchpad projects. 12 pads wth 6 Scenes. 30 internal demos. 3 x Wav simultaneous with Time stretching and Midi synchronization. Functions: Record, Phase, Song, Single/Loop, Pad control, Harmonic/Melodic mode, Live Efx pad control, Drum kit Looper. Style Import. Full interaction with Style Modeling. |
PLAYER | Double Player. Files recognized: Wav, Midi, Mp3, Mp4, Avi, Mov, flv, Cdg, Jpg, Txt, Pdf. Functions: Marker. Sync/Next. Autoplay. Lead Mute. GM part. Lyric Off. Cross fade. File Search. Play List. My Folder. Transposer. Time stretching. Metronome Click. Midi Multimix. Song Drum Restyle. Audio and Midi syncronize. |
AUDIO MULTITRACK PLAYER | 5 1 Audio tracks with separate slider control. Metronome click out. |
DJ | Double Audio and Midi player with tempo & Pitch stretching, Pfl, Sync, Tap tempo, Cue, Fx Pad, Backspin, Brake. |
JUKE BOX | Playlist, My Folders, SFX Special Effects. |
PIC & MOVIE | Jpg & Mp4, Avi, Mov, Flv, Karaoke background, Movie/PDF to RGB, Pic List, Autoshow. |
DVI | Video Monitor Out, Karaoke Lyric/Mirror. |
MENU | Disk, Midi, Play Modes, Audio Edit, Language, Footswitch, Preferences, Controls, Video, Reg. Set up, Arabic Mode. |
MEDIA | Internal Storage: SSD Card 16G. Usb: 3 Host 1 device. External Storage: Removable HD_SATA 2.3_2’5. |
PLAY MODES | Master Keyboard. Accordion Style and Classic. Organ (with Pedalboard). Guitar mode with Efx (thru Input). |
KEYBOARD CONTROL | Live Efx Chain editing. Aftertouch, Portamento, Double controls. |
REGISTRATIONS | 4 Banks x 1024 Regs. Full Panel and function programming. 4 Playbox with 1024 files per folder (including Midifile, Mp3, Wav). |
DSP | 2 x DSP with 2 separate Reverb units, Chorus, Reverb, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo, Rotary, Autopan, Echo Delay, Tap Delay, Equalizer, Distorsion, Amp simulator, Compressor, Filter. 64 Insert EFX Chains (10 User programmable). |
RECORDING | HD Recording: 1 stereo track. Loop. Audio edit with cut, normalize. Midi recording with phrase and song. |
USER MEMORY | Up to 400 MB free User programmable. |
MICRO | XLR Input. Gain Control. Volume. Reverb. Micro On/Off Edit. Talk. |
VOICETRON | 3 Voice Voicetron. Manual, Unison, Midi Mode, Pitch Corrections, Autotune, Harmony Duet & Trio. 10 Voicetron User. |
INSTRUCTION MANUAL | Html on board. |
MIDI | In 1 (Gm), In 2 (Keyb). Out. Thru. Midi Set up: Standard, Computer & Sequencer, Keyboard Right, Accordion, Player, Style. |
OUTPUT | Left/Right Stereo, Volume Pedal, Sustain pedal, Micro Out. |
INPUT | Guitar (Instrument) /Micro2. |
HEADPHONE | Stereo Headphone. Aux separate Out Assign (to Drums, Right, Bass, Click). |
OPTIONAL | Footswitch 6 or 13, Volume Pedal, Sustain pedal,Midi Pedalboard, Start/Stop Pedal, HD, SSD, HArd Case, Bag. |
POWER SUPPLY | External 15V-4A. |
AMPLIFIER | 2×20 watts. 2 x Midrange speakers 2 x Tweeters. Speaker On/Off. |
DIMENSIONS | 111x14x40cm. (43’7×5’6×15’7 inches) |
19 Kg. (41 Ibs)