Mount your Honeycomb Alpha, Bravo, or Logitech flight simulator yoke and throttles under the desk where they belong!
If you're into flight simulation you know that the most popular Yoke and Throttle Quadrants (Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo, Logitech) come with desktop mounting solutions that consume a large amount of space both underneath and above your desk. They also place the yoke and throttle higher than these would be in a real airplane.
The LowRider™ Yoke Mounts from AllSportSystems® eliminate these issues, while simultaneously providing the convenience of a quick removal system so you can easily access your entire desk when you're not flying.
Single Engine: LowRider™ Under Desk Yoke Mount for Flight Simulators
Supports Honeycomb Alpha or Logitech Flight Simulator Yoke and 1 Logitech Throttle Quadrant.
Easily slide one Honeycomb Alpha or Logitech Yoke, and one Logitech Throttle onto the bottom of your desk or table, saving precious space on top!
Twin Engine: LowRiderPLUS™ Under Desk Yoke Mount for Flight Simulators
Supports Honeycomb Alpha or Logitech Flight Simulator Yoke and the HoneyComb™ Bravo Throttle Quadrant or two Logitech Throttle Quadrants! The LowRiderPLUS™ Flight Simulator Yoke Mount can accept either the Honeycomb™ Alpha or Logitech yoke plus the HoneyComb™ Bravo throttle or 2 Logitech Throttle Quadrants for Twin Engine flight simulators.
Mount all of these flight control systems completely under your desk! Remove everything at once by simply turning a few knobs and sliding the unit away.